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The Ultimate Guide to Hair Transplants: What to Expect, Costs, and Recovery

Hair loss can have a significant impact on a person's self-confidence and overall quality of life. Wigs and medication can help temporarily, but hair transplantation is a permanent solution to restore natural hair growth. This guide explains hair transplant procedures, techniques, and recovery process expectations in detail.

Hair Transplant Results

Understanding Hair Transplants

A hair transplant, also known as hair transplantation or hair restoration, is a surgical procedure that involves relocating healthy hair follicles from one part of the scalp, known as the donor area, to areas experiencing hair loss or baldness, referred to as the recipient area. Transplanted hair follicles grow in new spot, restoring hair growth in bald areas. New hair grows naturally in transplanted follicles.

Hair Transplants for Men

Male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia, is the most common form of hair loss in men. Hair loss is caused by genetics and hormones, resulting in a receding hairline, thinning hair on the crown, and possible baldness. Hair transplants are an effective solution for men seeking to restore their hairline and achieve a fuller head of hair. 

The most common transplant techniques used for men are follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT). The methods involve extracting healthy hair follicles from the back and sides of the scalp. Then, the surgeon transplants the follicles to areas with thinning or balding hair.

Men who get hair transplants can expect their new hair to look natural, growing just like their original hair. With proper care and maintenance, the results can last a lifetime, providing a permanent solution to male pattern baldness.

Hair Transplant techniques 

Two main methods exist for hair transplant surgery. They call the first method Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). The second method, known as Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), is also called hair plugs or hair implants. FUE and FUT also has a special modified technique known as Direct hair implantation (DHI).

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplants:

The FUE method involves taking hair follicles individually from areas of the scalp with high hair growth. Surgeons usually take these follicles from the back or sides of the scalp.

The process involves extracting each follicle one by one. Doctors use a specialized tool called a micropunch or a manual punch to remove these follicular units with precision. Hair follicles are taken from one area and placed into small cuts in another area with thinning or missing hair.

The FUE technique has a reputation for precision and causing minimal scarring. It also allows for a shorter recovery time compared to the FUT method. But, performing the FUE procedure can take longer and require more effort, especially when many grafts are needed. Additionally, it may not be suitable for individuals with limited donor hair availability.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) Hair Transplants:  

The FUT procedure, also called strip surgery, involves removing a strip of skin from the donor site. The donor site is usually located on the back of the head. This strip contains a high density of hair follicles. The surgeon then dissects the strip into smaller follicular unit grafts, each containing a few hair follicles.

The surgeon precisely places these transplants into the recipient zone to stimulate hair growth. The FUT technique enables the transplantation of a greater quantity of grafts in one sitting. This makes it an appropriate choice for people with severe hair loss or those who need a substantial amount of grafts.

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)

DHI is a more recent advancement in hair transplantation that combines aspects of both the FUE and FUT techniques. In this method, follicular units are extracted using the FUE method, but instead of being manually implanted by the surgeon, they are "implanted" directly into the recipient area using a specialized implanter pen.

The DHI technique is minimally invasive, causes little to no scarring, and can achieve very precise implantation of grafts at the desired angle and direction. However, it is a more technically challenging procedure that requires specialized training and experience.

How Does a Hair Transplant Work?

During a hair transplant, the surgeon creates small incisions in the recipient area. The surgeon then takes hair from the donor part of the body and transplants it in the recipient area. The surgeon carefully implants the extracted hair follicles, or grafts, into these recipient sites using forceps or implantation tools.  

The transplanted hair follicles go through a natural shedding phase, known as "shock loss," a few weeks after the procedure. New hair will begin to grow in three to four months. This happens as the follicles adjust to their new location. They then enter the growth phase of the hair cycle.

Consultation and Planning

Before undergoing a hair transplant procedure, a thorough consultation with a qualified and experienced hair restoration specialist is essential. During the consultation, the surgeon will examine the patient's hair loss. They will discuss the patient's desired outcome. Based on the patient's needs, hair type, and amount of hair loss, the surgeon will recommend the best treatment method.

During planning, the number of grafts needed, the best donor area, and the recipient area are decided for the best results. Factors such as hair density, hair caliber, and scalp laxity are taken into consideration to ensure natural-looking results.

Hair Transplant Recovery and Results

After the hair transplant surgery, patients can expect some swelling, redness, and discomfort in the treated areas. These symptoms are temporary and typically subside within a week to ten days. Adhering to the post-operative instructions provided by the surgeon is crucial for proper healing and maximizing the success of the transplant.

Important to note that the transplanted hair will initially shed a few weeks after the procedure. This is a normal part of the hair growth cycle, known as the "shock loss" phase, and new hair growth will begin to emerge within three to four months.

The full results of a hair transplant may not be visible for several months to a year, as the transplanted follicles go through the natural hair growth cycle. During this recovery period, patience and proper care, including avoiding trauma to the grafts and following recommended hair care routines, are essential to ensure optimal hair regrowth.

Factors Affecting Hair Transplant Success

While hair transplants are generally successful, several factors can influence the outcome and the extent of hair regrowth. These factors include:

1. Donor hair characteristics: The quality, density, and caliber of the donor hair can impact the overall results.

2. Surgeon's skill and technique: The surgeon's expertise and knowledge are important for achieving natural-looking results in hair transplant procedures.  

3. Post-operative care: Proper adherence to post-operative instructions and hair care routines can maximize the success of the transplant.

4. Individual factors: Age, genetics, and overall health can influence the rate and extent of hair growth after the procedure.


Hair transplantation offers a permanent and effective solution for individuals, including men struggling with hair loss or baldness. By learning about techniques, consultations, and recovery, people can decide if they want hair restoration.

To guarantee optimal outcomes, it's crucial to seek advice from a reputed and experienced hair transplant specialist. Hair transplants can restore hair growth and increase confidence with careful planning, choosing the right technique, and aftercare. Remember, patience and realistic expectations are key to a successful hair transplant journey. At GHB Clinic, we provide 25+ years of clinical expertise and treatments tailored to each client to get the best results. Book a free consultation with us today to get the best results and know about our affordable overseas packages. You can also call us on 02035152525 or contact us on Whats App.

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