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About Excessive Sweating Treatment

Excessive Sweating Treatment

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition characterised by excessive sweating that surpasses the body's necessary regulation of temperature. If you're experiencing hyperhidrosis, you may sweat profusely even when the body doesn't require cooling, or it can become more noticeable if you become self-conscious about sweating. Hyperhidrosis can be socially embarrassing and interfere with daily activities. This condition can affect various parts of the body, including the hands, feet, armpits, face, and scalp.


Most common signs of hyperhidrosis include: 

  1. Experiencing excessive sweating without an obvious trigger, irrespective of the temperature. 

  2. Noticing that you sweat more heavily compared to those in your surroundings.

  3. Feeling self-conscious during social interactions due to excessive sweating, which might diminish your confidence when meeting friends or participating in activities.

  4. Sweating predominantly in specific areas like the face, scalp, hands, feet, or underarms. Multiple areas can be affected simultaneously. 

  5. Sensation of sweating worsens when you think about it, leading to increased perspiration. 

  6. Hyperhidrosis isn't restricted to summer months; it persists year-round, though it may intensify during warmer weather.

If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms but you are not sure how to treat it, Book a Free Consultation and Patch Test Now!


During the consultation we will do a Starch-iodine test or other known patch test for excessive sweating. This test involves the application of an iodine solution to the sweaty area and sprinkles starch/powder over the iodine solution. Your clinician will then pinpoint these marked areas, indicating the sweat glands requiring treatment. This precise identification guides our targeted approach to address your concerns effectively.


We administer precise injections of botulinum toxin on the areas marked during your starch-iodine test, targeting directly the sweat gland. If you suffer from hyperhidrosis then your sweat glands are being overstimulated by a chemical in your body. Botulinum toxin injections block the signals from the nervous system that supply the sweat glands; this stops them working so hard and prevents them from producing so much sweat. 

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