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About Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are needed when a cavity (hole) appears in the tooth due to decaying. When left untreated, this can quickly become a risk of infection and disease as bacteria can get into the tooth through these cavities. This can cause significant amounts of pain and can eventually lead to the tooth falling out, which then introduces another set of problems. Therefore, dental cavities should be treated as quickly as possible to avoid more extreme and harmful consequences.

Doctor Check-Up
Permanent replacement of missing teeth

Dental fillings are needed when a cavity (hole) appears in the tooth due to decaying. When left untreated, this can quickly become a risk of infection and disease as bacteria can get into the tooth through these cavities. This can cause significant amounts of pain and can eventually lead to the tooth falling out, which then introduces another set of problems. Therefore, dental cavities should be treated as quickly as possible to avoid more extreme and harmful consequences.

During dental fillings, your clinician will remove all decay from the tooth and then fill the cavity with the appropriate dental filling material, which will be discussed during your consultation and appointment as this can vary depending on the state of the cavity.

Some types of dental fillings including:
Silver Amalgam Fillings:

These are very commonly used as they are strong and sturdy,
however many clients do not find them aesthetically pleasing due to the contrast of the white colour of the natural teeth and the silver colour of the filling. Despite this, amalgam fillings are widely used as they make it possible to preserve more of the natural tooth, which is always important.
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