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About Veneers


As time goes on, our teeth are subject to natural wear and tear that can cause the teeth to become discoloured and damaged. This can happen due to a variety of reasons and can have a dramatic effect on a person’s self-esteem and confidence. Veneers can be used as a long-lasting cosmetic dental procedure that can be used to treat stained, chipped, or crooked teeth. They involve bonding thin moulding to the front surface of the teeth to give the appearance of a perfectly white smile.

Image by Juriel Majeed
  1. Porcelain veneers – these veneers are often selected when a patient wants to make small alterations to their teeth or wants to change the shape, size, or colour of their teeth. They can give a very natural tooth appearance and can be applied to the natural tooth without the need for them to be shaved down.

  2. Composite veneers – for composite veneers the tooth is covered by layers of resin to mask any damaged enamel, which is then sculpted to the size and shape of the surrounding teeth. If you have stained or slightly damaged teeth, such as chipped or cracked teeth and small gaps, composite veneers are a great option.

  3. Ceramic veneers – these veneers are particularly popular as they can very effectively mimic the appearance of natural teeth and are extremely durable. For this reason, they can take longer to create than other types of veneers and cause some temporary tooth sensitivity.

Benefits of Veneers:
  • Improves the appearance of your smile

  • Boosts self confidence

  • Improves your oral hygiene

  • It is a safe way to whitening your teeth without damaging your gums or enamel

  • Improves your overall appearance

  • Instantly whitens teeth without having to build up treatments (as with home whitening kits)

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