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About Pigmentation Removal Laser

Pigmentation Removal Laser

Pigmentation in the skin occurs when the melanin is abnormally concentrated in a certain area of the skin. It can be present at birth, occur due to excessive sun exposure, or be part of the ageing process.

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What is Pigmentation Removal Laser?

Pigmentation in the skin occurs when the melanin is abnormally concentrated in a certain area of the skin. It can be present at birth, occur due to excessive sun exposure, or be part of the ageing process. This is a common skin condition, however, some people can feel insecure and prefer to remove these areas of pigmentation. Pigmentation removal through laser is a treatment that is used to reduce the appearance of pigmentation in the skin by introducing an intensive burst of light to the skin in order to cause selective healing to the outer skin (the area where the pigmentation appears). As the laser triggers the skin to heal, collagen production is promoted which leads to improvements in the skin’s pigmentation over time. The laser only targets the area of the skin with pigmentation present and does not damage the surrounding tissue.

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