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About Redness Reduction Laser

Redness Reduction Laser

Redness in the skin can arise due to specific hormones, broken blood vessels or capillaries, or from inflammations such as Rosacea. However they come about, redness in the skin can cause people to become sensitive and insecure, especially when this is in the facial area.


What is Redness Reduction Laser?

Redness in the skin can arise due to specific hormones, broken blood vessels or capillaries, or from inflammations such as Rosacea. However they come about, redness in the skin can cause people to become sensitive and insecure, especially when this is in the facial area. Redness reduction lasering works to reduce redness in the skin commonly found in the face. It works by delivering a high-powered laser to the red pigments in the skin at various different depths. The heat of the laser absorbs the red pigment in the skin, which rises to the skin’s surface to be shed in the following weeks. As a result, the discolouration of the skin is rapidly reduced. This process is primarily done on the face and neck, but it can also be used to treat other areas of the body such as the arms and legs.

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